So The Girl has gotten into this mode where she sneaks into our room about 3:00 every night. Sometimes earlier. Sometimes later. Sometimes she silent, other times she’s wailing from a nightmare she’s semi-awake from.
But either way, in bed she climbs.
How The Girl sees in the dark house to find our room, we’ll never know. But her supergirl night vision allows her to find us.
Most nights she just hogs the whole queen sized bed. Somehow she wedges herself between us. Then begins the tossing and turning…she shifts position so many times. A couple times she’s woken us up as she lays her feet across Barry and her head on my tummy and pushes–still asleep. Really pushes! Barry ends up jammed up against his side of the bed, and I practically get pushed OUT of bed.
Other nights, she climbs into bed with us and wants to play. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce on the waterbed. Or have us get her water. Grrrr.
But luckily we both strangely enough don’t mind. I treasure the extra cuddle time. And how can you complain when you awaken in the mornings because your daughter is gently stroking your cheek?